Event Inspiration

5 Steps To Throw A Fun Filled Arcade Birthday Party

Are you ready to transform your child’s birthday celebration into a wonderful party? An Arcade birthday party is the ultimate way to bring excitement and endless fun into their special day! 

Imagine a room filled with the sights and sounds of your favorite arcade—flashing lights, thrilling games, and more. It’s a playful atmosphere that gives a memorable experience for children of all ages.

In this article, let’s together celebrate arcade birthday parties and discover how to create an event with joy and unforgettable moments!

1. Create Arcade-themed invitations

The first thing when organizing all parties is to prepare invitations. For arcade birthday party invitations, you can start by selecting vibrant, eye-catching designs related to classic arcade games. 

To make your invitation best suit the theme of the arcade birthday party, let’s incorporate:

  • Pixelated graphics
  • Bright colors
  • Iconic gaming symbols like joysticks, game controllers, and arcade machines.

Moreover, for a special touch, why don’t you include Arcade die-cut vinyl stickers? These stickers can feature exactly the designs of these symbols. You can use them as a decoration on the invitation by attaching to the invitation or putting them inside the envelope.

Next, personalize the invitation with all the essential details: 

  • Date
  • Time
  • Location
  • RSVP information

For these contents, we recommend using fun and playful fonts and adding phrases like:

  • Level Up Your Fun!” 
  • Join Us for a High-Score Adventure!” 
  • Are you ready to join the game?
  • ….

This addition will definitely enhance the excitement. 

2. All fun decoration ideas for an Arcade Birthday Party

The next step is decorating for the Arcade birthday party. Among many interesting ideas,  here are some creative and fun ones that will make your arcade birthday party unforgettable.

Party arch 

When the kids go to your Arcade birthday party, the first thing that catches their eyes is the party arch. That’s why creating an attractive arch is essential. 

One creative idea that instantly remind guests of the retro gaming era is combining:

  • Black balloons
  • Yellow Pac-Man cutouts
  • Colorful ghost cutouts (red, pink, cyan, orange)

Another idea is to design a Mario-themed birthday party arch:

  • Use red, blue, and green balloons to represent Mario, Luigi, and Princess Peach
  • Add iconic elements such as question mark blocks, mushrooms, and stars
  • Incorporat pixelated graphics and characters from this game series to make kids feel like they’ve in the Mushroom Kingdom.

Colorful neon signs

Colorful neon signs are a fantastic way to bring vibrant to an Arcade birthday Party. There are many interesting ideas for neon sign designs, such as:

  • Game controllers
  • Pixelated graphics
  • Pac-Man 
  • Space Invaders
  • Game On!” or “Insert Coin” phrase 
  • Phrases like “High Score” or “Player 1 Ready
  • The name or age of birthday child

These signs add a playful vibe to your Arcade party.


Signages will be a great decoration that you can use for each particular area to guide your guests:

  • Welcome sign using retro fonts and graphics.
  • Game zone signs use arrow graphics and pixelated designs.
  • Food and drinks sign: You can use images of classic arcade snacks like popcorn, nachos, and soda to indicate where guests can find the food and drinks at the party.
  • High score wall sign where guests can write their names and scores for different arcade games.
  • Photo booth sign with captions like “Strike a Pose” or “Say Cheese!

Mario backdrop

Let’s set up a large Mario-themed backdrop for photos and stage activities. In this backdrop, you can include iconic elements like:

  • Mario
  • Luigi
  • Princess Peach
  • Bowser
  • Yoshi 

This backdrop is perfect for group photos and makes everyone feel like they’re part of the Mario adventure.


How about decorating the space with garlands made from game-related cutouts? These garlands can be made with shapes like:

  • Game controllers
  • Coins
  • Stars

Then, hang them:

  • Across the room
  • Around tables
  • On the party arch

Arcade machines as food bars

This will be an interesting idea if you can repurpose old arcade machines or create cardboard replicas to serve as food bars. 

Let’s place trays of snacks and drinks on them, and label the sections with arcade game names. For example, have a “Pac-Man Popcorn Station” or a “Donkey Kong Donut Bar“.

Mario question box as tables

Ever thought that you could use Mario’s iconic question boxes as tables? You can create these from cardboard and paint them yellow with question marks. They will serve as excellent stands for cakes, gifts, and party favors.

A Nintendo Game Boy photo booth

A Nintendo Game Boy photo booth can be an interesting place where guests can take fun pictures. You should:

  • Creating a large Game Boy frame from cardboard
  • Paint it with accurate details
  • Provide props like oversized game controllers, Mario hats, and speech bubbles,.. for guests to pose with.

3. Party Food, Drink and Snack 

Next, it’s time to serve the kids delicious food and beautiful drinks to make them more excited about the party!

Birthday cake

Choose a showstopper birthday cake or multi-tier cake decorated with iconic arcade characters and symbols, such as:

Pac-man shaped cookies in various colors

These cookies are not only delicious but also visually appealing and perfect for a pac man arcade party.

The only thing you need to do is to bake cookies in the shape of Pac-Man and ghosts. Then, use colorful icing to decorate the ghosts in red, pink, cyan, and orange. 

Black and green cupcakes 

When preparing cupcakes for the arcade birthday party, let’s make black and green cupcakes to match the aesthetic. And, it’s advisable to top them with:

  • Fondant game controllers
  • Pixel hearts
  • Edible glitter


In the next step, wrap lollipops in red paper and place them upright on a black tray.

Furthermore, this combination makes the lollipop tray look like the classic joystick found on arcade machines. So, it’s a perfect addition to your Arcade birthday party food and your guests will love this creativity.

You can also add labels with fun game-related names like “Power-Up Pops” to make them more appealing to the kids.

Chocolate game tokens

Chocolate game tokens will also be a great idea that captures the attention of all children. In the making process, you should use chocolate coins wrapped in gold foil as edible game tokens. 

Dried banana 

Offering dried banana chips is a wonderful option that you can use as a healthy snack. One fun way to present dried bananas is to label them as “Donkey Kong’s Banana Chips“. 


In your arcade birthday party, let’s serve a variety of juices, including:

  • Orange juice
  • Apple juice
  • Grape juice
  • Watermelon juice
  • Mix of fruit juices and soda

Personalized energized drink bottles

These custom beverages not only keep guests hydrated but also serve as unique party favors that can be taken home. The kíds will be very happy if they see bottles labeled “Game Fuel” with vibrant, arcade-inspired designs. 

You can also use images of iconic game characters and symbols like:

  • Mario
  • Pac-Man
  • Sonic
  • Joysticks
  • Game controllers


For the adults, who come with their child, you can mix up a themed cocktail inspired by Super Mario’s Piranha Plant. Use vibrant green and red colors with garnishes like strawberries and mint leaves to create a visual and tasty drink.


For an arcade birthday party, choosing the right cups can bring more fun to the celebration. Consider selecting cups with colorful and playful designs. 

Besides, you could also explore using clear plastic cups and decorating them with Transfer stickers. These stickers can be used to transfer even the most complex designs to a flat surface like an actual print. Thus, they are ideal for personalizing cups with:

  • The birthday child’s name, age
  • Phrases like “Game on”, “Bonus point”,…
  • Theme-related designs: Sonic, Donkey Kong, question mark, mushrooms, a screen displaying a high score,…

Colorful cutlery and straws

It would be great if you brighten up the table setting with colorful cutlery and straws. We suggest choosing vibrant colors like red, blue, green, and yellow, which match with the arcade theme. Otherwise, you can use striped or polka-dotted straws to add an extra fun element.

4. Game Competitions

Game competitions are a fantastic way to bring the excitement at an arcade birthday party. We have some suggestions for you:

Choose Popular Games

Select best arcade games of all time that everyone enjoys, include:

  • Pac-Man
  • Mario Kart
  • Street Fighter
  • Donkey Kong Jr.
  • Dance Dance Revolution

Create Teams

In this step, you need to divide guests into teams to encourage friendly competition. Teams can be based on:

  • Age
  • Skill level
  • Or just randomly assigned


When playing games, fun prizes will be the motivation for all participants and promote them to the achievements. You can consider some prizes like:

  • Arcade tokens/Prepaid cards
  • Candy and sweet treats
  • Craft kits and educational sets
  • Books and coloring sets
  • Arcade carpet
  • ….

For more interesting ideas, you can take the below party favors ideas as inspiration:

5. Party favors and thank you notes

Now, it’s time to show your appreciation to your guests by sending them with arcade-themed party favors and thank you notes!

Arcade-themed stickers

  • Create custom stickers featuring arcade characters and symbols.
  • Print them using CustomAny‘s printing service.
  • Package them in small envelopes to give to your guests.

Personalized bottles

  • Give each guest a reusable water bottle 
  • Customized with these bottles with their name and arcade graphics. 

These practical custom party favors are also a great keepsake.

Miniature Arcade Game Keychains

These tiny keychains resemble classic arcade machines. You can even include small playable games. 

Retro Game Plushies

Every kid loves plushies. That’s why giving soft and cuddly plush toys will be an excellent choice for an Arcade birthday party. You can pick from characters like:

  • Donkey Kong
  • Space Invaders
  • Tetris blocks

LED Light-Up Yo-Yos

Light-up yo-yos can be a playful party favors that bring your guests more entertainment.

How to pack these favors?

  • Use small, brightly colored boxes.
  • You can decorate them simply with customized Arcade stickers to make it convey the Arcade theme.
  • Label each box with the guest’s name for a personal touch.

Thank you note

If you want to bring more touching experience to all your guests, include a heartfelt thank you note in each favor box with a message:

  • Thank you for the attending your arcade birthday party
  • Share your feelings about the Arcade birthday party.
  • Hope your guests enjoyed the party
  • Express the hope to see your guests again

Wrap it up

In conclusion, with some creativity, you will definitely transform your event into a vibrant, game-filled wonderland. We wish that our blog can give more ideas when you’re preparing for a special Arcade birthday party. 

Now, it’s time to gather all the necessities and start throwing a perfect celebration!

For more creative ideas on themed parties, please check out our other blog posts. Explore our party planning tips and make your next celebration indelible!


About Karen Lee

Meet our Creative Master – Karen Lee! Karen is the DIY wizard and the creative mind behind all of our inspiration posts: from fantastic gift ideas to exceptional decoration tips that make your events pop. Stick around for more exciting content, as we belive she is your partner in all things fun and fabulous.